Boys of Summer

One of the things that surprised me about shooting weddings was that I quickly found that to my surprise, the dudes don’t really play. I so desperately want to have fun at the weddings and events that I shoot and I found that groomsmen tended to be more reserved and camera shy than the ladies. […]

Authors Are My Favorite

While shooting an author’s conference, I offered special packages for bio portraits for those that didn’t want to go through a full shoot. Funny, authors can tend to be rather reserved and shy and the thought of being the center of attention for an entire hour makes some have a full panic attack. The thought […]

Pinterest Bride

I love shooting Pinterest brides. This particular bride had a simple idea and brought her stickers. It took a few seconds to make sure they were in the right location and direction, but ultimately turned out pretty fun. A bride with cute shoes is a girl after my own heart.

Little Finger

There’s just something so sweet about a little girl and her daddy. This little bright eyed bundle of fun captures my heart every time I see her, but there is no comparison to who she has wrapped around her little finger.

Maryann + Curtis

Arbor House Inn Bed & Breakfast on the River